Something hit my eyes the other day and I couldn't tell whether to believe it or not. A story that Stanford University is going to be running free online classes. Now, according to the information you wouldn't get an actual grade (this is reserved for regular paying students) but you would get a Certification of Completion. Further investigation found this (Stanford Engineering Everywhere) on Stanfords's legit then.
Now, there's already thousands of people signed up... as you would expect.... but i don't expect half of that to actually take part, and even less to finish. The classes are run assuming you don't have too much prior knowledge about the field so don't be alarmed if you haven't taken any advanced courses before. Doubt the Cert of Completion will get you a job on it's own, but it sure a hell couldn't hurt. If you want to check out the classes and sign up the links are below.
Introduction to Databases
Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
Machine Learning
Looking at some other free courses offered by big name schools. Will post more later....
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